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BSB 704-191

SMS Banking

What is SMS Banking?

SMS Banking is a way for you to receive your account balance via a Short Messaging Service (SMS) on your registered phone.

How do I register for SMS Banking?

Note: You can only access SMS Banking with the mobile number linked to your Bank First account. You will receive an SMS confirmation once your registration is successful.


Internet BankingInternet Banking

Login to Internet Banking. Under Services select SMS Banking. Select the accounts you wish to register to receive your account information.


Online formOnline form

Complete SMS Banking self-service registration form online.

Complete form

Check your balance by simply texting one of the following messages to 0438 593 732 (in Australia), we’d recommend that you save this number.

Account balance options

Text to send

Text received

Default account


Returns balance of your default account.

Specific account

BAL <account type>
e.g. BAL S9


BAL <member number and account type>

Returns balance of your specified account, in this example, S9.

Joint account or an account you are a signatory of

BAL <member number and account type>

Returns balance of your specified member number and account, in this example, XXXXXXS1.

You will receive the SMS response from 0438 593 732 (in Australia) and for security purposes part of the account number will be masked.

Frequently asked questions

  • No, we don’t charge a fee for this service. There may be a cost associated with the SMS service from your phone provider. Please refer to your phone provider for charges on SMS services.

  • Yes, you can only use the mobile phone number we have linked to your account. We don’t provide identifiable account information in the SMS. We recommend that you protect your information and keep your mobile phone secured at all times and delete the SMS Banking SMS after you have read them.

    Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more information.

Important information